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Stichting IFLA Global Libraries Board
SIGL is governed by a Board of Directors under the terms of the Dutch Civil Code.

Chair - Glòria Pérez-Salmerón
Honorary Fellow IFLA
President 2017-2019, President-elect 2015-2017, Governing Board member 2013-2015, and Public Libraries Standing Committee 2005-2012.
Professional career
Glòria contributes to advancing the goals of the library community, promoting the importance of libraries in society, and advocating for the rights of users to access information. She worked at Diputació de Barcelona (1977-2023), Generalitat de Catalunya (2005-2008), and as Director of the National Library of Spain (2010-2013) and Member of the Board and Permanent Commission (2008-2013).
Professional networks
Past-President of FESABID Federación Española de Sociedades de Archivística, Biblioteconomía, Documentación y Museística (Spanish Federation of Archivist, Librarianship, Documentation, and Museum Associations).
EBLIDA, European Bureau of Library Information and Documentation Associations member of the Executive Committee and Vice-President 2008-2015.
COBDC, Col·legi Oficial de Bibliotecaris - Documentalistes de Catalunya, Board member 2000-2003
Ateneu Barcelonès: Member of the Council of the Libary since 2011.
Acadèmia de les Bones LLetres de Barcelona: Correspondant Member since 2014.

Member - Dr Victoria Okojie
Fellow Nigerian Library Association
Governing Board member, 2015-2019; Chair, Africa Section, 2011-2015; Chair, Division V (Africa, Asia and Oceania, Latin America and the Caribbean), 2015-2019; Member, Public Libraries Section Standing Committee; Associate, International Leaders Programme.
Professional career
Over 30 years’ experience in practice, teaching and regulation of the Library and Information Science Sector.
Lecturer, Department of Library and Information Science, University of Abuja, 2016-
Registrar/Chief Executive Officer, Librarians’ Registration Council of Nigeria, 2009-2016
Area Director, The British Council, Ibadan, Nigeria, 1992-2002
Librarian, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria, 1984-1995
Professional networks
President, Nigerian Library Association, 2005-2010
Member, International Advisory Committee of UNESCO Memory of the World Programme, 2015-
Member, Governing Board of the National Library of Nigeria, 2006-2010
Adviser, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Global Libraries Program
Fellow, US State Department, International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP)
Member, African Library and Information Associations & Institutions (AfLIA)

Member - Prof. Dr. Ágnes Hajdu Barát
Governing Board member 2015-2019; IFLA Europe Regional Division Committee member 2021-; Member of IFLA Knowledge Management Section; Member of IFLA Building Strong Library and Information Science Education (BSLISE) Working Group
Professional career
Professor, Institute of Library and Information Science, Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE),
(1987-2020 senior lecturer) 2020-
Head of Department of Library Science, ELTE 2013-2020
Senior lecturer/col. professor, Department of Library Science, Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education University of Szeged (SZTE JGYPK), 1992-2013
Head of Department of Library Science, SZTE JGYPK 1999-2009
Director of the Somogyi Library (second biggest public library in Hungary), 1990-1992
Professional networks
President of the Association of Hungarian Librarians (AHL/MKE) 2015-2023
Advisory committee member Access to Learning Award
Inspector and monitoring work in LIS education in EU countries 2008-
Inspector and monitoring work in Hungarian public libraries since 2000
Member of the editorial board, Universal Decimal Classification Consortium
Member, International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO) since 2000
member of the ISKO Scientific Advisory Council since 2010
President, Accreditation Group of Librarian Education 2000-2020
Exterior member, Hungarian Academy of Sciences since 2006
Member, Hungarian UNESCO Committee since 2018
Member of the executive board, National Scientific Student Council – Pedagogy, Psychology, Andragogy, and Library Science since 1998
ERASMUS coordinator and developer 16 LIS ERASMUS courses since 1999.